
  • Dravida Vedam –
    Includes The Nalayira Divya Prabhandam sung by 12 Azhwars, Sri Vedantha Desikan and Sri Manavala Mamunigal


    Sri U.ve. Rajagopala Iyengar
    He his residing near to the Padasala and very sincere in taking the classes and Very Prompt in finishing the Portions in stipulated time.

  • Sri U. ve Ramkumar (Principal)
  • Yajur Vedam –
    Portions covered to support the Pancharatra Agama related to Temple rituals and Vaideega Karmas.

    Sri U.ve. R.S. Gopalan alias Hare Krishnan
    He graduated the Yajur Veda Krama Padam at Sri Sandeepani Gurukulam, Maharanyam village and an adhere devotee of Our Swamiji.
    He his teaching Yajur Veda, Sanskrit and also taking care of the day-today activities of the students by staying with them at Padasala premises itself.